
A Game Changer?

“Amazon on Wednesday announced that later this year it will launch the Kindle Lending Library, a feature that will allow Kindle customers to borrow books from 11,000 libraries across the United States… Once the feature launches, customers will be able to borrow Kindle e-books from their local libraries and start reading them instantly.” — Macworld, writing about a press release that could change the entire game of ebooks: why buy when you can borrow, over and over and over again?


Give your writing the gift of time

“[Hemingway] knew that a book or short story had its own timetable, and he didn’t try to force it. If a project needed weeks, months or years in the editing and rewriting phase, that’s what he gave it. Despite the same anxiety for publication that all writers share, he still gave his books the time they needed to develop. ” — Rachelle Gardner, on things writers can learn from Hemingway